If I had packed my gun…..

I ran across this photo and thought it was too funny and a bit too close to home! Our French exchange students showed up on Thursday and ironically the kid staying with us was one of two kids who didn’t get his bags. This is an improvement over last year where the entire group lost their luggage. I guess I should be thrilled.

I just googled British Airways and luggage and I guess they have the worst record for loosing bags with an amazing 23 out of every 1000 bags lost. I guess the culprit is Heathrow airport which does an amazing job of loosing luggage. Wow! What a cool thing to be known for (ha, ha!).
On top of this, two years in a row, the same courier “Superior Delivery” (which is hysterical I might add) has been responsible for delivering the bags to us.

Last year our kid’s luggage sat at the courier’s office for 3 days. His message said “I have lots of bags to deliver. You can leave a message, but I won’t return your phone call”. This year, I asked last night if the bag arrived today whether it would be delivered because of 4th of July. I was assured that they worked 7 days a week. I took down the info and was assured I would hear today. Today we went out and enjoyed a day at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival and when I got back, no luggage….I decided to call.

I called and spoke to the immensely rude man at the location and he said “yep, he had the bag”, it got here last night. He also said he didn’t work today. I offered to drive out and get it and he said “that won’t help you, I’m not working today, I won’t give you the bag”. I told him I was assured by British Airways I would get it and that I would call them and he said “go ahead”. He was nasty, rude and I can’t imagine what British Airways pays him for this service.

Anyone need a business? I bet delivering luggage for British Airways with good customer service at DIA is a GOLDMINE!

British Airways has apologized, assured me they’ll “look into it”. I told them I want the bags by tomorrow…think there’s any chance I’ll get them?

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