Join me in “Tacky Craft Tuesday”

I’m not sure if you have read my post on “tacky or craft” or the follow up here but I thought it was about time to get some feedback on what people thought was tacky. I think the important thing with this is that it’s your opinion…there is no wrong or right!

However, you have to admit that when flipping through the magazines of yesteryear, there were some crafts that were downright tacky! Like huge! So, I’m curious to see what everyone can dig up.

Here’s my first find out of the November 1971 “Woman’s Day” Magazine:

Now, that doesn’t LOOK that bad, until you read the description:

24. Lint brushes are handy items to keep in entryway bedroom or car glove compartment. These are nylon net, plastic crochet rings, ribbon and plastic flowers. And you can turn them out by the dozen.

Well, let me tell you there are a bunch of things wrong with that. First, how do they work? I can’t even picture it working (is my lint just smaller?). Yikes, they look like something that you would not have any idea what is and thus put in a garage sale. Which leads me to “turn them out by the dozen”. So, did anyone get any of these as a gift?

I’m really looking forward to your submissions, so much so that I have created a flickr group and a badge!

Just put it on your blog and link back here. I’ll highlight the best ones I see on the flickr group each week!

If you don’t agree with someone’s “tacky” then post your own! 🙂 After all, someone’s trash has always been another one’s treasure!

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