The lace edit and a 6th Birthday

The lace edit and a 6th Birthday

I always forget how manic May is, with the end of school and all sorts of drama. However, I had a wonderfully quiet night with my stitch friends last week and figured out how to solve the lace addition on the side of the pillow:

I’m fairly proud of the solution, it was repaired by cutting with the pattern of the lace and then sewing the two pieces together with nylon invisible thread (oh, and click on the photo if you want a close up of the repair). I think you would have to look VERY closely to see the repair and it should hold better than the lace! ๐Ÿ™‚

On the home front, I attended two back to back field days and today is Matey Moo’s 6th birthday party. For pass out gifts we put together a collection of his favorite songs! (he insisted on the term “collection”! ๐Ÿ™‚ )

So, it’s off to the bowling alley for the party! I’m hoping to finish up that pillow tomorrow and get caught up on other little projects around the house. I missed the Friday archives, but I’ll catch up next week!

I’m hoping life will slow down, but with the last week of school upon us and my work not slowing up, I have a feeling it’s not going to! One of my current projects is finding host families for 45 french students that will be in the Lakewood/North Denver area in July, so if you’re in that area and are interested…let me know! ๐Ÿ™‚

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