I tried to post yesterday, but Blogger was being weird, so here I am…much longer between posts than usual. First, Samantha beat me in welcoming Kari to the blogworld! Please go say hi and encourage her! She’s a quilt pattern designer and manages the best quilt store in Denver (I took a hand applique class at their old store) – they have two and they’re wonderful! Go say hi and encourage her! I think her patterns are wonderful and if I finish the sane (as opposed to crazy) quilting class I’ve signed up for on Quilt U, then I’ll be picking out one of her patterns soon!
Speaking of the quilt class (Starting From Scratch), here are my fabrics. I haven’t cut them into the class pattern yet (you’ll all die when you see it – leave it to me to try the impossible) and I’m totally deviating from the class “norm” which seems to be small cute floral prints (which would be infinately easier to arrange). My friend is doing a Christmas quilt (if she posts pictures, I’ll link to them..hint, hint). So, here’s mine.
Obviously for my son….I’ll have to work on the arrangement tonight because there are supposed to be 7 fabrics, but frankly I think this is enough (of a pattern). I had to buy a ton of the backing because they were afraid they wouldn’t have anymore…isn’t it cute? (but too big for the pattern on the front which is why it’s on the back. I think I can get a pillowcase out of it too!
Then, I know this is a total flashback…I’m STILL working on my daughter’s kitty quilt. Mainly because she downsized to a single bed and I needed to rework/rethink my design. I’m now doing 8 blocks, so this is 5….shouldn’t be awful to finish the rest and I figure I’ll have some clue on how to assemble the whole thing when I’m finished (via Quilt U).
Sorry for the slack blogging…I’ve been working, getting used to the school schedule and volunteering…I’ve stepped up my volunteer time at the school (fun, but a new world, that public school thing!).