I had a fabulous meeting with the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters yesterday (you might want to pop over to their website and see all of the fabulous classes they have planned this year)…anyway, it was a great meeting, I got to show off my finished projects (much to the surprise of many members – remember, I’m NOT a finisher) and I brought this:
It’s next on the drawing board, but been years in the making. Well, really I started it, went back to it and then got stuck on the silk ribbon flower arrangement I need to make.
However, I realized I actually started seam treatments and didn’t finish them, so I’m working on picking out some new threads and fixing all of that up before I get going.
I’m seeing things I need to fix and tweak, but it’s a nice start.
I’m still trying to sort out links from this blog – sheesh, who knew moving a 5 year old blog would be such a drama! Anyway, thanks for hanging in with me and making comments – just love all my new readers lately!