Perfect Moment Monday – CLEANING?!??

Perfect Moment Monday – CLEANING?!??

Yep, that’s what I said, CLEANING! Isn’t that crazy?

Let me back up. When the kids were little I wanted to get them involved in making their beds, doing chores and basic stuff around the house. What I quickly realized is it takes the patience of Job (biblical character) to “show” kids how to do things. THEN, when they’re SO proud of the hideous job they’ve done making their bed – or wiping the bathroom counter, you actually have to congratulate them – not gasp – go over and immediately do it right. Sigh.

So, I’m a perfectionist and this is NOT a good match for teaching kids to clean.

Where does my “perfect moment” come in then? Because on Sunday – our usual cleaning day – I finally could stand back and watch them clean and not grit my teeth or know I had to do it over. My daughter did an excellent job vacuuming, they both tidied and picked up per my expectations and it was wonderful! Best yet, they were both actually helping!

It was a wonderful moment – and now I just need to teach them how to shovel snow off the walks! ha ha!

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