If you’ve read my blog at all you know I’m a bit of a sewing machine -phobe! I really don’t LOVE machine sewing, but I have to do it sometimes to get through projects!
This weekend I actually had some fun! I ordered this fabric before Christmas (see how behind I am!) to put curtains on our kitchen window and finally got them up! Nothing fancy, but I think they look cute!
And then this came as a kit from a local church for a charity project – really really simple quilting project. I did all the piecing, so now am going to machine quilt it and self bind with the backing fabric. Hopefully it will turn out really cute! (I’ll probably do the binding by hand – once a hand sewer, always a hand sewer! ha ha!)
Then this little project I had shown the beginning stages of, but I think it’s turning out really cute. I’m going to use it as my TAST submission – even though it’s not the crazy quilt block. I’m so excited to do the wheat ear, but that’s going to have to be on my “catch up list” for this week! 🙂 I used the satin stitch on the big daisies – the stem stitch on the stems (clever eh?) and then many french knots in the centers of the little daisies!
This is going off as a present to someone – so I can’t wait to have it finished in the next day or two! 🙂