Wow, this has NOT been a good stitching month so far – however, I’m signed up to take a class next Saturday and I have several new projects/ideas in the wings.
This first one is a simple daisy embellished dishtowel – even though it’s just started, I thought I’d show of the beginning of my satin stitch – I usually use a split stitch to outline first.
This is the next task, I’m going to add this butterfly to my crazy quilt butterfly block – but more pictures on that later! I got the pattern from “French Knots” – where there’s a ton of awesome embroidery transfers!
That’s about all – saw some fabulous clouds on the way home from an afternoon get together – coming in north of Denver around 6:30pm. Apparently these are mammatus clouds – I’m afraid heading out to Eastern Colorado and Kansas – they didn’t cause any big warnings around here – I was just checking the news. I hope all my friends and stitching friends are safe in the midwest tonight!