Silk Ribbon Embroidery – flowers galore!

Silk Ribbon Embroidery – flowers galore!

In the last post, I commented I was ripping things out – mainly all the flowers I had previously done on my fairy – now that I have more ideas (and more books!) on how to do Silk Ribbon Embroidery, I HATED my old stitching. So, why put up with it? Especially on a huge and hopefully lasting piece like this.

So, I bookmarked a lot of flowers I liked in about 6 SRE books and these are the first flowers that emerged.

You have to rouche the ribbon and then pull it around to make a little flower. The centers are french knots and the leaves are also silk ribbon. Many many more flowers to go!

I also finished my Hawaiian applique tops (sorry this is a bit dark, but you get the idea). I still need to quilt them and then turn them into Envelope pillows (see, cool tutorial I want to try here). However, that is going to wait until I get a bit more sewing machine tutorials (waving to my stitch group here!). So, on to more embroidery.

I also got a chance to paint this week! The Mile Hi Mamas got together at Into the Fire (cute, cute place if you live in the Denver area – here’s the review!). Here’s a picture of my piece – as taken by the wonderful “Crunchy Green Mom”

I can’t wait to see it fired up and finished – the whole experience was fun and actually makes me yearn to paint a bit more. hmmm, maybe items for my Etsy store? What do you think?

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