Soul searching is a funny thing…amazing how your life changes and turns in ways you have no idea. For example, having my husband working with me on my business at home is turning out to be the most wonderful thing that could happen to our family. He’s totally connected to the kids, he and I relate on a much higher level (we don’t just pass each other and say “Hi’ once a day!) and things are going well. Very well! We’ve hired a bookeeper – actually a good friend who wanted to get started in her own business doing books and we’re “taxing” (I couldn’t resist) her knowledge. When she gets her website up, I’ll be sure to give her a plug!
However, much much more is going on in our crazy household…most completely unrelated to crafting or otherwise. You’ll remember my post a while ago about the Denver Post board/blog and I have dropped my participation in that – but if you’re a Mom in Denver pop over and say Hi!
It was just too much! One thing too many! And frankly, after thinking about it, I’m not a mommy blogger, I’m a “me” blogger. I love my kids, and adore writing about them (by the way grandparents, school pictures are out and they’re adorable!) but they aren’t everything in my world. I’m having a blast with our new business, I’m still really enjoying the crazy quilting group and if I can get through the mending in my studio…..I have some art I want to work on! Whew!
I’m also really enjoying my “other blog” – and hope to post today with a follow up on the Trading Spaces that aired last night! It was totally fun/weird to have such good friends featured on TV, but it was a great episode. More about that later I’m sure.
In the spirit of “cleaning up”. I found a few links I never passed along:
Quilts, Hawaiian quilts, Hawaiian quilting, Quilting lessons, quilting classes – I have an amazing admiration of these quilts. Maybe at some point I’ll do one or use the technique somehow. I just think they are stunning tho and the site provides a lot of info and eye candy!
Sewing Buttons and Craft Buttons – this one is almost totally for my Mother in Law who I took to Denver Fabric and she really fell in love with the button section. Well, if others of you have a hard time finding buttons, they’re online! 🙂 Woo hoo!
Florilegium Antiques and Needleart – This is Rhonda’s recommendation (shes one of the talented Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters)….fabulous ribbons, wonderful eye candy, but HOW do you order? (I shouldn’t say that, but it was a bit frustrating!). I think the store looks amazing tho…if you’re in Kansas City go find them! Maybe it would be easier to just send you my money to go shopping there! (ha ha!)