What a crazy crazy week! Ever had one of those where the week is gone before you even think it started? Aaack!
Anyway, Fun stuff! Missy C and I found this beauty in the back yard amidst our plumbing issues and poor Rex having strep throat! (oh, and the garage door broke – it was NOT a good Labor day weekend!)

I so enjoyed meeting all of the gals there, if you want a FULL geeky list of attendees – it’s here
Today I’m off to crazy quilting and to have my friend come over and give me some lessons with my machine. I’m hopeless…I really love to hand stitch, NOT so fabulous on the machine stuff. (really why DO they call them feet? hee hee)!
Anyway, so we have a great beading class at the meeting today (looking forward to that) and of course I need to continue work on my brazilian embroidery project – here’s last night’s work: