Last week was odd – some bad, some good, but mostly just odd. We replaced a computer, which provided a weird cascading force throughout the house and business.
Then we started a new – very part time – employee, which was a definite change. We spent the day trying to reunite a lost dog with his owner – finally found the mailman who knew the dog right away!
Then I went out to dinner/drinks (probably with the emphasis on drinks) with college friends I haven’t seen in 23 years. Next day hangover followed by a great client appointment.
Weird. And over. Whew.
I’ve been working on my embroidery, but mostly the sideline has been mid-century stuff…last weekend we attended the Denver Modernism show. I have about 10 articles to write about that, and haven’t had the time.
I did a bunch of mending last weekend, but there’s no reason that can’t be a bit crafty and creative too! I found this article a few weeks ago and thought it might work for my daughter’s pants.
Here’s the hole with the patching material back behind:
And here are the finished pants. The one on the left is an oval and the one on the right is “sort-of” a heart. I think I need a different “foot” for my machine so not sure it went as smoothly as it could have, but it’s still a cute way to repair pants. I’ll let you know how they wash out.
I’m off to completely uproot our basement and redecorate with our own stuff. Fun way to spend a weekend! 🙂