This is the stitching I worked on throughout the trip to New Mexico. I have NO idea why I’m finding this fun, but I am. I love the crewel (it’s really forgiving) and I’m liking this plant a lot! The worst part is the whole area that’s finished had had the pattern worn off, so I had to work out where everything was supposed to go.
Anyway, kind of fun to finish a 20 year old UFO – and just follow directions for a change.
I’ve made some progress on my CQ pig, but not enough to show – so maybe next post?
We returned from New Mexico and ran straight into “end of year” activities including field day. Here’s Missy C who refuses to wear her ribbons because they are ALL SECOND PLACE! (like that’s the end of the world?) But she was PO’d and so wouldn’t wear them. NO idea where she gets this competitive streak. It’s kind of funny.
Then there was Matey Moo (who just celebrated his 7th Bday – YAY!) and as usual, he’s just happy to be there! What a happy guy!
My inlaws leave on Monday – so life will sort of be returning to normal (NO Idea what that is) and then on to summer – which – cross your fingers – I think I have figured out! 😀