And so we have been thrown head first into summer – and it’s raining! 😛 Ha ha!
Oh well, that’s ok, we’re going to spend the day signing up for the summer reading programs at two libraries – and then after a work out (thank heavens the kids love 24 hour fitness) we’ll come back and start organizing rooms and trying to get rid of some stuff!
On the crafty front – I’m working on my pig (pictures to come) and I’ve signed up to take Susan Sorrel’s “Fertile Earth” – I guess which is good timing with all this rain AND I got my garden planted.
No idea what image I’m going to work with, but it should be fun! It’s funny that after knowing her for this long and posting lessons for her (I do her website) that I would finally take a class.
But my class with Robin Atkins kind of broke my “no new projects” rule – I think I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’m just NOT going to finish things and I need to move forward. Who knows, maybe by making that resolution, I will finish stuff! (less pressure?).
Anyway, back to work…which is interesting with the kids home this summer…they’re going to be in a rec center camp 5 hours a day and I feel a bit guilty, but money is money, eh?