Tag: Blogging

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Sewing festival and almost finished

This past week I took day off work and went to the sewing Festival at the Denver Merchandise Mart in Denver. fun! I sat at the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt Assn Booth with my friend Dianna and got some cool stuff: There’s a fabulous lace guy there who brings some

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Sharing every little minute detail of my life

So, one of my favorite area “Mom bloggers” made me stop and think today. Is it bad to share every detail of your life on the internet? Is there a point to it? Furthermore, if you “edit” like I tend to – are we just putting out an image that’s

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Stitchin and surfin!

Well it’s been a couple of crazy days here – but I’ve spent today sitting and stitching with my computer next to me…surfing the blog world. First, check out this event: Really! How can that NOT be a winner? Now I don’t exactly cross stitch, but my friend Dianna does

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Writers block

So, I’m working on a HUGE article for a new online publication (I will announce it when it’s published in all it’s glory) and yikes! I’m having a hard time. Writers block! Ok, that’s not quite right, but everything I write seems stupid. I’m sure it will look better with

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Crafties and Freebies!

Crafties and Freebies!

Whew! It was a crazy busy week, and just when I was preparing this post, I opened my Etsy store and a busy weekend just became busier!! ha ha! On Thursday night I was totally flattered to be included in a Glade Bloggers event at the Warwick Denver! The food

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Guilty blog surfing

I was honestly waiting for something to load and ran across this massively tempting online needlework event: http://needleshowretail.com/index.html Far better than me retelling the tale, you can read the backstory to this “show” (which starts tomorrow). I think it sounds VERY tempting! I just dumped a bunch of money (not

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A little grovelling

Ok everyone, last year I lost – so I wasn’t going to make a bit deal, but it’s crushing my little blogging ego to have zero votes hanging out there, so here I am grovelling – will you all pop over to Divine Caroline and vote for me? Yes, you

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Spooky, pretty and very cool!

Spooky, pretty and very cool!

What a crazy crazy week! Ever had one of those where the week is gone before you even think it started? Aaack! Anyway, Fun stuff! Missy C and I found this beauty in the back yard amidst our plumbing issues and poor Rex having strep throat! (oh, and the garage

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Blogging Daily – here or other places

My dear friend Dianna, whom I love for her candor, recently pointed out that she would love my blog so much more if I posted daily! 🙂 What’s funny is I do post somewhere daily – just not always here. So, I thought it might be helpful if I point

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