I had plans to post a cute “Happy Holidays” to everyone and never got that far. Sigh…I hate that! Anyway, this week I’m “off”. I’ve told all of my customers that I will NOT be doing work and I have plans to have LOTS of fun with my kids, paint my office and stitch.
I’m going to work on those postcards and I’m also going to start the Artist’s way – it’s a group on Flickr, with a support group on Yahoo. I think it looks pretty cool. 12 weeks is a big commitment, but I think it might be worth it, we’ll see.
There will be some “practical sewing” too, I want to make pajamas for the kids (I’ve had the fabric for a LONG time!) and whip up a few curtains for some ugly closet spaces in the office as well as my studio space. Frankly I probably have 6 weeks of work planned, but we’ll see!
Happy HOlidays everyone! This year I’ve been so inspired by so many of you! Maybe I’ll start a “people who inspire me” column…..hmmm, so much to do!