Things around the house I’ve been doing

Things around the house I’ve been doing

I’ve been working on a lot of little things around the house…including these pillows (sorry about the bad photo…I’m using the webcam..ick!) but the fabric is here if you want to see a close up. The backs are just a black linen. They are nice and frankly pretty functional for the basement…which is nice.

The other additions have been some things shipped over by my inlaws, including this medicine chest . Isn’t it fabulous? It’s in what’s now our office with our asian stuff (a variety of Korean and Japanese). This sits on top of my husband’s Korean chest, which up until recently is about the only thing we had from his childhood around the house. I haven’t filled up the chest yet, but can’t you think of tons of things (sewing, beads, thread…the mind boggles!)!
This fabulous box was a cigarette box and I’ve transformed it into a sewing box. The spot in the center is perfect to put a few beads in…the box is great for all sorts of things. I made the pincushion that now fits where the ashtray used to go. The cool thing about this is it’s nice enough it can sit out in the living room and I don’t feel like I’m “junking it up” with my sewing things.

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