Well this will be a long post (sorry about that) because I started a post on the 30th and never finished it…which goes to show how crazy things are around here right now. I’m in the middle of finishing several web jobs and starting a couple more. Which is good news, but with that and my other blog, I seem to neglect this one – spread too thin you think?
So, in my surfing around and emails from folks, I’ve found several cool new resources for information and resources. A group on Yahoo has been formed for CQ Newbies! It’s seems like a fantastic place to ask questions and get acquainted with other folks who are just learning!
For more advanced folks, this class on Stumpwork! I have to admit I have admired Stumpwork and even tried a teeny itsy bit, but I was amazed when Linda actually finished this absolutely fantastic stumpwork sampler (which I’ve looked at, but couldn’t imagine anyone actually FINISHING!!!)
For a bit of eye candy and inspiration, I found Caroline Hwang’s site and the Studio Art Quilt Associates.
Surfing around broke my stitching break and I’m back into it, working on postcards for our swap with the Southern Cross Crazies…the theme is “my hometown” and I lived for the first 10 years of my life (although I was born in Cheyenne)in Leadville Colorado, which has a checkered mining history and is 10,000 feet above sea level (or 2 miles!). So, I’m going to do one or two on Cheyennne, but I also wanted to do these…This one is my favorite…I happened to find the “L” in my Mom’s sewing stuff, and the rest just sort of fell together.
This layout is a bit rougher – not quite sure how to work with it. I may do something a bit more traditional with a little description over the fabric or something. Not sure yet. I’m having fun tho.
On top of all of this, I’ve been relaxing at night playing sims 2 – yep, I’m a geek. Something cleansing about micromanaging little computer people’s lives. Oh, and my bit of fame is that my “other blog” (mentioned above) had a post featured on “Boingboing“…kind of huge in the geeky blogger community, so I’ve been working on a companion site so that I (and a few other friends I’ve found around the US can gather together up folks who are remodeling 50’s houses.