Touchy touchy – more embroidery!

More progress on my Bead Journal Spirit Doll:

I’m absolutely LOVING the textures I get with the crewel and the traditional embroidery. It’s so fuzzy and tactile (which I love).
Lots of embroidery, but the next stage is to add more beading (although I see one bitty spot I need to cover with embroidery – ha ha).

The wheat ear stitch around her neck and down the back was a last minute decision last night and I like it. Oddly I’m not really loving the filigree at this point – I just wish it was easier to bead over, but it really isn’t – so we’ll see what happens when I add more beads tonight.

Robin made a comment on my last post that she wondered my doll’s “story”….I created here as a composite of several spirit doll patterns I saw out there and loved her because of her matronly “mother earth” sort of persona. This doll didn’t end up with the arms (except the suggestion in the cast ons) – but I will work on that more on future dolls.

This one is a tribute to “going with it” and finding a spot and calling her finished. The colors are “my colors” – oranges, yellows and earthy tones and a HUGE tribute to texture and the tactile.

I’m also trying to incorporate historical embroidery techniques into the spiritual and “now”. Did I mention my huge goal is just to finish one a month? ha ha!

Anyway, I think she’s a good start and assuming tonight isn’t too busy she’ll probably be done tomorrow! 🙂

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