A lot of the seamstresses and quilters and crafters I know have too much stash – if you’re like me, you collected cute adorable fabrics when your kids were little that look positively silly now. My daughter is totally over princesses and yet, I still have some in my studio.
Well, here’s a fabulous way to help out a great charity AND get rid of that extra stash. The charity is “Warm Hearts, Warm Babies” and here’s the summary of what they do from their website:
We are a group of kind-hearted volunteers that help to make life easier for Colorado’s tiniest citizens. We sew, knit, crochet, and quilt for premature infants and babies in need. We donate to hospitals, crisis pregnancy centers, shelters, law enforcement agencies, foster care, WIC offices, and individuals across much of the state of Colorado. All of our gifts are donated free of charge and 100% of what we receive in donations goes to help the babies. Please visit the links on the left to learn more about us and what you can do to help.
What can you do to help?
We accept new baby items in sizes from premature up to 4T – including:
* Quilt
* Afghans
* Receiving blankets
* Buntings
* Sleepers
* Gowns
* T-shirts
* Onesies
* Outfits
* Bibs
* Burp cloths
* Hats
* Booties
* Sweaters
* Crib sheets
* Diaper bags
* Towels
* Toys (no used stuffed animals)
* Dolls
They also accept cash donations and have patterns so you can help them out by knitting or sewing for them! Please email them with any questions to: info@warmheartswarmbabies.org
Here’s what I pulled out of my stash – and hopefully tomorrow night they’ll have it and be able to pass it along to a needy family!