Our summer started last week – apparently Denver Public schools were out a bit earlier than everyone else – we’re trying something new this summer and that’s basically Rex and I rotating doing something fun with the kids. One day I take them and do something fun and he works and the vice-verse for the day after. Friday we both take the afternoon off. So, my first adventure with the kids was Tiny Town. If you haven’t been there it is one of our favorite spots – EVER! The train is fun and $1 each! (woo-hoo) and the houses get better every year. So far the kids don’t seem to get tired of it! In 5 years they are going to celebrate their 100 year anniversary – Missy C feels she’ll still be excited about it – even at 14!
Last weekend, we finally managed after 3 years to put in our large window evaporative cooler. WITH the extensive help of a friend. Because we actually had to replace the window, THEN put in the cooler. Kind of a big project. We still need to trim out the window (I’m going to get the stuff for that today) and then it should be good. Hysterically, the weather has cooled WAY down and we really haven’t had to use it yet – but when the time comes…WE’RE ready!
Then back to my less -than-favorite May doll (which I still finished tho!). This is the back and WAS going to be the front and the focus…isn’t the design cool? Well it looked cooler when it was flat and not all stretched out. Not to self…maybe stitch a few dolls up and THEN commit to them being the “doll of the month” because this was not a thrilling result. The original fabric (before stuffing) was textured and really awesome. Hmmm, maybe I should stabalize it? But then it would be stiff. Not sure.
So, in the end, it’s done, but not thrilling (thus the lack of work on it). This month I’m doing a crazy quilted doll – so watch for that!
Which leads me to a new question – how do I display these dolls? Any ideas? They do NOT stand on their own and ideally, I’d love to have a 360 degree solution. I’m not adverse to sticking some sort of a pin in the base of them. Help? Solutions? Ideas?