New, quick projects – good for a color study?

Missy C and I bought these kits a while ago at the Sewing Festival, they’re fun, quick projects.  They look like quilt blocks, but are in face just foam boards where you poke the fabric in around the edges (and use glue on the sides and back) to create a quick, finished project.

Missy C did this one: It makes a really cute holiday decoration and she had a lot of fun picking out the fabrics.  It ended up cute and I’m sure we’ll use it as an Easter decoration for years! 🙂

Then I did this one – it only took me a few days (although I found some of the little pieces were pretty fiddly) and was a really fun color study:

Here’s the cover with their colors (yuck in my humble opinion): It’s pretty obvious, I’m much more of a “brights” and red and oranges person, but I also felt the outfits and characters sort of wanted an ethnic and more colorful approach.

Anyway, they were totally fun and if you’re interested, these kits are here:

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