Please hold my credit card and don’t let me out of the house!

If you live in Denver, I have an evil (ahem, I mean wonderful) place for you to go.

Ornamental Resources has decided to torture me! I went to stitch night a few weeks ago and my friend Toni reminded me I was going to review and give an “OMG I LOVE THIS PLACE” shout out to the best bead store EVER!

However, somehow in my subconscious I was blocking it out. Every day I try not to remember that the coolest bead store EVER – which used to be located in Idaho Springs (a good hour from here) is now a few BLOCKS from my house! It’s located on 5712 W.38th avenue Wheat Ridge CO, 80212.

No kidding! They’re fabulous! Many beaders will tell you they used to make long trips to the mountains just to go to this place and it moved here!

So, last Friday I took my husband and Missy C there and gosh it’s just the most wonderful place ever. If you don’t believe me, my daughter was oooing and ahhing and decided to buy the materials to make herself a charm bracelet.

I’m not EVEN going to show you what I bought because I could hide it in my purse and yes, it was more than 1 digit in price! Ha ha!

But seriously, go there, they’re struggling (like most small businesses right now) with having a new bricks and mortar store and the fact that their website was hit by hackers and has been down for a while (they hope to have it up in 6 weeks) – if you click on the store link on the left on their site tho, they do have a lot of their stock listed – go drool!

They are having a grand opening on Thursday Feb 12th to celebrate their new location. They will have a ribbon cutting ceremony and the Mayor of Wheat Ridge (maybe a beader?) will be there! There’s a coupon involved, but you might have to stop in earlier than that to get one of those!
Anyway, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather shop for beads, so GO! (ooo, and tell them I sent you, I have a feeling they’re going to get to know me really well! 🙂 )
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