Tag: sewing

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3 ways to repair kids pants

I’m gaining fast knowledge of kids pants repair. My kids have a deep love (and ability) to rip holes in all their pants. On top of that, Missy C is SKINNY and so pants that are WAY too short, still fit around her waist. So, here’s 3 different repairs to

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Have I mentioned I’m ADHD?

There wasn’t a diagnosis for ADHD when I was a kid, or I’m sure I would have at least been in the running. I’m literally unable to do the same project for any long period of time, so I start new ones (and don’t finish – thus my side bar

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Way behind and in a funny writing mood.

Last week was odd – some bad, some good, but mostly just odd. We replaced a computer, which provided a weird cascading force throughout the house and business. Then we started a new – very part time – employee, which was a definite change. We spent the day trying to

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The lace edit and a 6th Birthday

The lace edit and a 6th Birthday

I always forget how manic May is, with the end of school and all sorts of drama. However, I had a wonderfully quiet night with my stitch friends last week and figured out how to solve the lace addition on the side of the pillow: I’m fairly proud of the

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Slowed down and had a fun weekend! :)

Slowed down and had a fun weekend! :)

We had a nice weekend. I did a bit of work on one of my websites, and did some serious “geeking out” – amazing HOW geeky we can be – be sure to check out our “Lil Geeks of the week” feature on Geek Parenting! (yep, that’s MY little geeks)

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Yo yo bears with felted heads

I just found these bear patterns via http://sewing.about.com/ – it’s actually a kit from http://www.indygojunctioninc.com – but what a fabulous idea! A yo-yo doll with a felted head. Isn’t it cute? Hmmm….I need to work on those felted animals this weekend and let you know if I love it….if I

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A productive creative stitching weekend!

A productive creative stitching weekend!

Woo hoo! (extra hoo). I was totally productive this weekend. In anticipation of the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters meeting I did two round robins. This one is for a gal who’s making a quilt for her daughter out of her Dad’s flannel shirts. This one is a butterfly: I tried

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Inspirations for life

The last post may have been a hint, but I’ve been artistically blocked. I look at my pile of projects and say “BLECK”. I don’t want to touch anything or do anything. I’ve been frustrated by 90% of them…caught up in the technical when I want to express myself….whatever expressing

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Happy 7th Missy C!

Happy 7th Missy C!

I can’t believe my baby is Seven! 🙂 However, today is the day and we’re off to the bowling alley to play with friends, eat pizza and have fun!I hate the whole “gifts for the attendees” thing…so this year we’re doing these coloring books:I think it’s a cute idea. Missy

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Darn that sock! Hem those pants and KIDS ARTWORK!

Darn that sock! Hem those pants and KIDS ARTWORK!

Productive day in the studio, but not much creativity to it! I’m sorting the kids artwork – about once a year I put up a new picture in their room that’s a montage of the art work they did the year before…ahem…it’s been 2 years! So, time to update! Meanwhile

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